Baba Ganoush (Eggplant Dip)

Ok, I got to confess something, it is pretty bad! I don't really care much for hummus, there I've said it! Don't take me wrong, hummus is good for you, it is easy to make and it so versatile. Yes, I occasionally love making a hummus party, but... BUT my absolute favor dip is the eggplant dip! There are so many components that I love about it, that if I started listing them I would still be writing same time next year, so I better get to the recipe.
This recipe yields a medium size bowl.
2 medium eggplants (washed and with skin on)
1 tablespoon of tahini (sesame paste)
a whole garlic head
1/2 lemon juiced
Olive oil
Salt and pepper to taste
1. In an oven tray place the eggplants and with a fork poke them several times. Keep aside.
2. Chop a bit of the end of the garlic head (don't peel) and place it in a aluminium foil, drizzle with olive oil and salt. Make a pouch by closing the ends of the foil together and place the garlic in the same tray with the eggplant, bake it for 30 minutes on 180 degrees. Once is done, Let it cool.
3. Peel the garlic by squeezing opposite the side it was chopped. Cut the eggplants in half and with a spoon try to gather all the flesh out.
4. Add all ingredients in a food processor and let the machine do it's magic. Let it set in the fridge for 30 minutes before serving.
5. Serve by drizzling olive oil and sprinkling red paprika powdered.
1. A whole head of garlic sounds a lot, and it may be for some people, I love garlic specially when it is roasted as it has some sweet notes.
2. I use the lemon grind as well for decoration and a pop of color (but it could be eaten too).
3. I usually just serve it with Arabic or pita bread.